
Indústries Waldes SCCL shows its commitment to sustainability, and is committed to managing its production and resources with eco-efficiency standard.

For this, the use of recycled raw materials and consumables is encouraged with only principle of sourcing in a responsible and sustainable way.

In addition, the supply of products and raw materials complies with social, environmental, health and safety standards.


For its provisioning Industries Waldes SCCL works with 90% of national suppliers, 7% of the EU and 3% of the rest of the world, being its objective the consumption of proximity products.


The cooperative has a Waste Management Plan where all production waste is correctly identified, evaluated, recycled and minimizated.

With great stringency these are managed correctly by managers authorized by the administration.

Indústries Waldes SCCL has a physical-chemical treatment plant to properly treat wastewater before it is poured into the public network.

Likewise, previous inspections are carried out by current legislation both for its operation and for compliance with the requirements related to poured license that has been granted.

All fulfillment waste generated in production process is properly managed by authorized transports and managers, with special attention to waste classified as dangerous (from purifying, oils, cutting oils, etc.).

Also, according to current legislation, close control and monitoring is maintained with administration through authorized managers and making annual waste declarations and plans to minimize them.

The processes don’t generate almost CO2 emissions, and all their emission points are identified, registered and subject to control as established by law.

Cooperative model

Indústries Waldes SCCL due to its intrinsical essence of the values of cooperative economy plead an inclusive,
self-managed model, without gender discrimination, adapting to the competitive market environment, and with emphasis on managing the company while maintaining jobs through stability and quality of occupation.